Intelligent Driving
Better driving through voice commands and responsive HUD
CC helps drivers with complex tasks
CC is designed to be your personal driving assistant. CC helps you stay safe by keeping you informed and focused on the road.
Team: Darren Lo, Kyle Helseth, Woo Young Kim, Connie Yang, Cynthia Zhou
My role: Strategy lead, UI/UX Design, Research, Animation
Timeframe: Jun 2021 - Sep 2021
Our mission
Driving should be safe and fun
Driving can feel like a chore. Not only can it get tiring and monotonous, but it can also be dangerous. Our designs bring color and personality back into the driving experience by helping users accomplish complex tasks, stay engaged, and feel confident while on the road.
The problem
Distracted driving
When drivers are distracted, they are more likely to make mistakes. Mistakes on the road can be fatal, and just a few seconds of reaction time can be the difference between a near miss and a total collision.
Voice is powerful, easy, and personal.
Voice interactions are great for driving because they are hands-free and eyes-free. Drivers don’t have to look away from the road or take their hands off the wheel to get things done.
The problem with voice interactions is discoverability. Users don’t realize what’s in scope and out of scope for voice commands. CC anticipates driver needs and encourages a free-flowing conversation so that drivers don’t have to memorize commands or voice prompts to accomplish complex tasks.
Transparent OLED HUDs
By using transparent OLED technology, CC can render beautiful images on screen to help drivers.
Transparent OLEDs produce a much higher contrast image compared to projectors. OLEDs generate their own light source and can produce both black and white light. This allows for much crisper images and more detailed information to be displayed on screen.
Leading the project
This is my first project as a team lead. I assembled a cross-functional team of designers with a diverse background: industrial, analytics, and biomedical.
I set up weekly workshops for all the team members to brainstorm and receive direction for the project. I planned out a 10 week project timeline with the team.
Driving our car should be a personal experience that makes it safer and more memorable.
Next we set up 6 user interviews. The goal is to answer these two questions:
What are the major benefits and challenges of driving an electric vehicle in the city
What are the most fun aspects and dangerous aspects of driving in general?
Building CC
Things I learned
Planning and communication make a difference
This was my first project as a leader. I wish I had spent more time setting up 1 on 1s with my team members so I could hear about their progress and keep them updated and accountable. The biggest challenge was making sure each team member felt like they were contributing and impacting the project meaningfully. If I had set up more concrete goals and milestones for each team member during the build, it would be easier to manage and track progress.
Direction is everything
There were times when team members did not have a clear picture of the project and what was the next step. I should have been more proactive about sharing my vision and thought process with my group. I often had an idea in mind and I would start working on it, but other team members were not aware or did not have a good grasp of how to implement that idea. The workshops were a good chance to re-align everyone on direction, but I need to spend more time in the future on setting direction early and often.
Leaders make decisions
I often faced decision paralysis during this project. There were so many choices and potential designs to explore that I was never sure which option was the best choice. My decision making was compromised because I was worried I would lead the team down the wrong path and waste valuable time and resources. However, leaders need to inspire confidence within their followers, and that starts by being confident in one’s own decisions. For future projects, I will be more decisive and blaze a path forward rather than being wary of what’s ahead. Of course, I will continue to take feedback and directions from my team as well!